Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Army of the Potomac vs. Army of Northern Virginia (MMG Style)

It was a week after the MMG OOB came out before I finally got the MMG OOB to work. This is what was posted on the MadMinute Games Forum.

The fighting began as Texans arrive on the scene and try to attack my dismounted Cavalry. A fierce firefight ensued as both sides called up reeinforcments.

Flanked, the Texans are routed to a small creek while thier Alabamian comrades are routed to a cornfield. Thier commanding officer, trying to stop the rout, rides forth, right into my boys waiting guns. He is killed before he hits the ground.

At this, the Rebels turn and fight again, catch my men in a deadly crossfire with artillery and two brigades. The fighting seesaws back and forth as we both push each other back. Both sides lose many men in point blank duels.

A battery of cannon blasts away dozens of men with grapshot, and a deadly fight ensues over possession of the cannon. Two Irish regiments capture a gun, then a rebel sharpshooter regiment charges them, throwing them into confusion and shoving them from the guns. One last regiment is thrown in, and all six cannons fire at the exact same time, all throwing canister at the same time, and the regiment is thrown back. Finally, I order a cavalry charge, and finally, the battery is taken.

At the same time, the rebels are broken and fall back upon thier reserves. At the same time as I push my Maine Brigade forward and turn thier flanks by advancing on thier rear. But, they run right into 6 regiments of cavalry, and after some fierce fighting, they break and run like chickens.

The rebels are scattered now all over the field, but, they still carry alot of fight. Six times they rout a regiment, then are forced to fall back. During this time, "Phantom Menace" sends a report, ranting about the day is lost, and his Maine brigade needs reeinforcments. He is killed immediatly after the report is recieved.

After the death of him, seven enemy officers are killed in attempts to rally thier men. The enemy breaks, and nearly four regiments are lost and they will cause my men no trouble. Their last artillery battery keeps up a steady fire, trying to save thie army from total disaster. I send my cavalry in another charge, which picks up all but one cannon. It will keep up a pesky fire that does no damage.

Finally, after thirty minutes of pure agony for the rebels, they mount several cavalry charges once again the brave Maine boys. They break, and Chamberlain is killed during this exchange. The Maine boys head for the woods and refuse to come back out until the cavalry is cleared out of thier front.

I send my zouvees against the cavalry, along with an Iron Brigade regiment. Together, they rout the enemy cavalry. During this time, the rebels make one last charge, with a full sized regiment against a badly mangaled cavalry regiment. A classic duel starts, which ends with the rebels in total rout.

With that, major victory!

Score: 10,624
Losses: 3,034
Enemy losses: 2,938